Jul 20, 2020 | Business, Security & Technology, Specialty Training
The need for healthcare providers to adopt telehealth technology came suddenly and without warning. The Covid-19 pandemic, and subsequent National Emergency Declaration, dealt an immediate blow to healthcare delivery and reimbursement for those services. Elective...
May 28, 2020 | contact tracing, coronavirus, Education, Government Reporting, Infectious Disease Control, PPE, Specialty Training
Unemployment numbers have been escalating amid the COVID-19 Pandemic. Here in the United States, rates rose in all 50 states and the District of Columbia, according to the Bureau of Labor statistics (see map image). In 43 states, record highs were set and the national...
Apr 7, 2020 | Compliance & Regulations, coronavirus, Education, Government Reporting, HIPAA, Infectious Disease Control, PPE, Specialty Training
While it is too early to assess the damage caused by this global pandemic, there are signs that it will permanently change the way society functions. From its impact on the global economy to our daily lives, COVID-19 will leave an enormous impact on the ways in which...